
Gender Stereotypes

             In our modern society, job advertisements post here and there. However, because of the gender stereotype, women can not have their ideal job or they can not get the equality with men. According to this ironic picture, an equal opportunity employer posted a recruitment advertisement. It is about a post of duty, a company gives jobs to people.Although the advertisement said that equal opportunity for both women and men, but it make no sense that the shape on the wall to enter this corporation is a man. A woman with her child pass by that building, she stop and stare at the advertisement, she must wonder why gender inequality problems always happens. As we well known, women have burden to take care of their children, this is a gender stereotype. Societies has responsibility to make certain that this group of women have jobs and enough money to support their family. Man should not always be the leader of in every field.


Gender stereotype leads to gender inequality

          This picture shows that women earn about eighty percent for every dollar earned by a man on average among full-time workers. This is because of a common gender stereotype: Men ought to earn more money than women. We can see many examples in our daily life. For instance, in Hollywood, discrimination of actresses is a pretty common thing. Like one of the most profitable actresses Jennifer Lawrence said, such inequity should be changed. Such wage gap becomes a huge burden to those working class women. Nowadays more and more women start to fit the role as the master of the house. The wage gap can create big financial problems. So many women try to fight against such gender stereotype. They seek justice and fight hard to bring equality to all women.


Gender stereotype

        This picture shows us another way of gender stereotype. In the picture, the man, appears to be a boss, sitting there and enjoying himself. On the other side, the woman is sitting huddled in the corner. She is working hardly in order to finish her job. We can see that the table was cut into two parts. The man holds 3/4 and the woman holds 1/4. This means the status between the man and the woman is significantly different. The crack also shows the inequality and discrimination. In the previous journals I analyzed a gender stereotype about how hard for woman to get a high position in a company. This time the stereotype becomes men are always the bosses and women are always working for men. Such stereotype is definitely wrong. Many women can do better than men, especially in communication and leadership, because women are mostly more patient and charming. 


Gender stereotype of a high position in the company

       Gender stereotype can greatly affect woman’s job. From this picture we can see that a man and a woman both want to get a high position in their company. The woman has many burdens on her shoulder. She needs to wash the cloths, cook the meal as well as take care of children. On the other side, the man has nothing to worry about. So he can focus on his way to the “crown”. Such stereotype that woman should head the family becomes a giant obstacle for women on their way to success. Fortunately, these years many women showed that they had ability to finish their job splendidly, sometimes even better than men. This phenomenon effectively promotes the position of women in the family and forces men to take the responsibility of housework, which helps women to better concentrate on their jobs.


Gender stereotype——Are you man enough to be a nurse?

Gender stereotype——Are you man enough to be a nurse? 

              In recent weeks,I already talked about gender stereotype of the roles that wife and husband play in a family and gender stereotype in our childhood.This time, I am going to discuss about gender stereotype in all kinds of professions.Nurse is a good example to demonstrate my opinion. As we well-known, nurse is an important job in our daily life.They heal the wounded and help doctors to take care of patients.It is not important that whether you are a male or a female for this job. When we mention of this profession,naturally think of female nurses. But male nurse actually existed. Although sometimes they suffered discrimination because of gender stereotype,they still conscientious in work.Gender stereotype shouldn’t exist any more. Every health care worker is honorable,no matter what gender they are.


Gender Stereotype----distinguish gender when you was a baby


           I already talked about this topic——“gender stereotype” for several weeks. Till this week,I find a really interesting caricature.It’s about a pregnant mother doing her antenatal examination.The doctor is doing B ultrasound examination for her, and her husband cares about the baby’s gender.When the screen coming out a image that the baby is reading a shoe sale magazine,the doctor diagnoses she is a girl.This is such a typical caricature of gender stereotype.Although it is unreal, this issue still worth discussing.Women love shoes, a little girl is not a exception.It is common that boys and girls have different interests.We can develop children’s interests when they are babies.Men and women play different roles in the society.There is no deny that what they working on are almost from their interests.And that is the reason why they do well in different fields. From this picture, it shows us the interests start to become different when we just a infant.And gender stereotype of who they are, begin to form at that time.


Gender stereotypes----Girls are bad at math?

            This picture shows us another way of gender stereotype. In the picture, when a guy can't work out the math problem, people only think this guy is not good at math. But when a girl doesn't know how to do a math question, people turns out to laugh at the group of girls. I have observed this stereotype for a long time. When I was in middle school, a lot of top students on math were boys. This did convince many students that boys had some talent on math. But could this phenomenon prove that girls suck at math? I saw many girls were really good at math and sometimes even taught other boys how to do the problems. So my point is that girls and boys have equal talent on math. The only difference is how much effort you put to achieve a better ability. 


Gender stereotype---Women are supposed to be a full-time housewife?

                 There are a housewife and her husband in this picture.But they are doing different work now,the man is watching TV and drinking beer,really relax.On the contrary,the women is doing housework,however, she is ironing a shirt. Unfortunately, the cloths singed,her husband found that and said "very smart" dismissively.That shirt is his wife's favorite shirt,but he laughed at her fingers are all thumbs.This is a stereotype,women not always good at doing housework,and man can help them.No stipulation said that  the person do housework must be a woman. Husband and wife can totally share the housework.That would be nice to a family and no stereotype any more.


GENDER STEREOTYPES: Child’s interest should not be determined by gender

          This is a very interesting presented between the boy and girl. They both hold the baby reader in their hands. But the unusual situation is the little girl is giving the boy a construction and the little boy is giving her a baking books. Kids love to give their favorite things to their friends as a gift. Boys always love cars,fighting, war and forth.However,girls love dolls,jewelries, snacks and so on. Maybe you’ll think that there was the same thing happened in your childhood.Boys and girls have different interests ever since they were born.This stereotype exists since we were kids. Nowadays,we should build up more interests for our children.Girls can develop interests in construction,boys can develop interests in baking.These interests also can influent their future development directions.In conclusion, we should bring up children in an all-round development, not confine to the gender stereotype.


media diary 09/ 28/ 2015 racial stereotype


           Here is a image which shows that there are so many negative words on a black people's face. What's more, he seems so un-present and upset. I even couldn't find a little hope on his face. It's true that there is a racial stereotype in the whole society that black people are poor and slaves and violent, but there is no sense that we have the right to identity that every simple black people is poor or a slave or violent. It's too general and too unfair for black people to be treated by other racial people in this way! I completely disagree that we have the right to do that and we have to change to stereotype as soon as possible if we can! Nobody wants to be treated by other people like this way, so it's time to change the racial stereotype! I hope more and more people can realize that everyone is totally same and we have to treat everyone fairly!


gender stereotypes of the scientists


  Gender Stereotype between the Scientists
               This picture shows an interesting phenomenon. The male scientist and the female scientist are discussing the lab report,but they are thinking different things.The male scientist seems really focused,he is thinking all about the experiment. Meanwhile, the things do not happen the same way in the female scientist's mind , she is not confident enough and imaging the older male scientist laugh at her. She has a stereotype in her mind. Nowadays, still a part of people believe that man is doing better in natural science subject. It is not correct, the gender stereotype should not exist any more.As a matter of fact, woman can also proficient in science. Marie Curie is a good example, she discovered the radioactive element radium. And it brought the profound influence in scientific community. To sum up, all female can break though the restraint , study science as much as we can!


Gender stereotypes----Maiden in Armour

                       The Comprehension of Maiden in Armor

           Mulan is a famous character from Chinese folktale.We all know about her in my home country. In my Junior high school,I learnt a poem about her, to praise her for her courage. She disguises as a male soldier to take her father's place to join the army. According the description of the Ballad of Mulan, she fought with other guys and hided her gender. Because at that time in China, there had strong gender stereotypes that women can not fight in the battle,and all men must be sent into exile. In Southern and Northern Dynasties,people thought that the only things women can do is weaving. But they didn't know that there also existed heroine like Mulan, break through the feudal system ,gender stereotypes and all restraint.


Gender Stereotype

   This cartoon provides a common stereotype of gender, but presenting in an ironic way . In the past, woman used to be considered as housekeeper. From the picture we can see that the man is doing several houseworks simultaneously. He is looking after the baby, walking the dog and cooking the meal. In contrast, the woman is listening music and enjoy the cocktail.  This picture shows us the situation woman used to face in the past. But the main character becomes man in the cartoon .Nowadays some women can be dominant in the family. They take the responsibility of earning money and no longer be housewives people used to think of. The distribution of family roles becomes more balanced.